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· 2 min read
Cooper Tseng

Harvester's embedded Rancher UI may display warnings about expiring KubeVirt certificates. You can safely ignore these warnings because automatic certificate rotation is handled by KubeVirt and is enabled by default.


KubeVirt Certificate Rotation Strategy

KubeVirt provides a self-signed certificate mechanism that rotates both CA and certifcates on a defined recurring interval. You can check the setting certificateRotateStrategy by running the following command:

kubectl get kubevirt -n harvester-system -o yaml

By default, the value of certificateRotateStrategy is empty, which means that KubeVirt uses its default rotation settings and no manual configuration is required.

certificateRotateStrategy: {}

Configuration Fields

You can use the following fields to configure certificateRotateStrategy.

  • .ca.duration: Validity period of the CA certificate. The default value is "168h".
  • .ca.renewBefore: Amount of time before a CA certificate expires during which a new certificate is issued. The default value is "33.6h".
  • .server.duration: Validity period of server component certificates (for example, virt-api, virt-handler, and virt-operator). The default value is "24h".
  • .server.renewBefore: Amount of time before a server certificate expires during which a new certificate is issued. The default value is "4.8h".

Example of a complete configuration:

duration: 168h
renewBefore: 33.6h
duration: 24h
renewBefore: 4.8h

Certificate Rotation Triggers

Certificate rotation can be triggered by several conditions. The following list only outlines key triggers and is not exhaustive.

  • Missing certificate: A required certificate does not exist.
  • Invalid CA signature: A certificate was not signed by the specified CA.
  • Proactive renewal: The renewBefore value takes effect. A new certificate must be issued before the current one expires.
  • CA expiration: The CA certificate has expired, so the certificate signed by the CA is also rotated.

When certificate rotation is triggered, you should see virt-operator log records similar to the following:

{"component":"virt-operator","level":"info","msg":"secret kubevirt-virt-api-certs updated","pos":"core.go:278","timestamp":"2024-12-06T08:02:01.045809Z"}
{"component":"virt-operator","level":"info","msg":"secret kubevirt-controller-certs updated","pos":"core.go:278","timestamp":"2024-12-06T08:02:01.056759Z"}
{"component":"virt-operator","level":"info","msg":"secret kubevirt-exportproxy-certs updated","pos":"core.go:278","timestamp":"2024-12-06T08:02:01.063530Z"}
{"component":"virt-operator","level":"info","msg":"secret kubevirt-virt-handler-server-certs updated","pos":"core.go:278","timestamp":"2024-12-06T08:02:01.068608Z"}
{"component":"virt-operator","level":"info","msg":"secret kubevirt-virt-handler-certs updated","pos":"core.go:278","timestamp":"2024-12-06T08:02:01.074555Z"}
{"component":"virt-operator","level":"info","msg":"secret kubevirt-operator-certs updated","pos":"core.go:278","timestamp":"2024-12-06T08:02:01.078719Z"}
{"component":"virt-operator","level":"info","msg":"secret kubevirt-export-ca updated","pos":"core.go:278","timestamp":"2024-12-06T08:03:36.063496Z"}
{"component":"virt-operator","level":"info","msg":"secret kubevirt-ca updated","pos":"core.go:278","timestamp":"2024-12-06T08:04:06.052750Z"}
